
Posts Tagged ‘gephyrophobia’

Imagine being aware of the 12th second every minute knowing the next second  fills you with fear.  Worrying about the 13th day of every month, particularly when it falls on a Friday.  Imagine the fear knowing the 14th floor is really the 13th floor and it can be renumbered anyway they choose to but you know the truth.  To many this would be an irrational fear.  If you have a phobia of anything you know how this person feels.

I have some fears-don’t know that any would reach the level of phobia.  Fear of heights unless I’m hanging lights in a theater.  Somehow climbing a ladder with a heavy fresnel lamp in my one hand and a wrench in my back pocket removes the fear.  Bridges.  Okay, bridges may be a phobia of mine-gephyrophobia.  My hubby has arachnophobia.  But none of this stops me (or my hubby) from going through each day as most other folks do.  It doesn’t grip my heart with an ice-like clutch and take my breath away to the point of being paralyzed with fear.

Actually, I rather enjoy fear.  The thrill of your heart pumping, wondering where the boogeyman is hiding.  Not to an unhealthy level, but as some of the research suggests, some fear offers a break from routine.  I suppose my enjoyment of fear simply supports the fact that I have a blessed life.  Not much in my day-to-day life causes or creates true fear.  I guess some people like climbing a mountain for the adrenaline rush, I enjoy exploring the dark and macabre.

And so today, on a day considered to be unlucky, and a day with a number that strikes fear in the hearts of triskaidekaphobics everywhere, think about your fears.  Are they real?  Are they as bad as what some people face every day in their regular existence?  Or are you living a blessed existence without realizing it?

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